Belthane - May First 2009

Belthane Celebration - May First, 2009

May First - Belthane Celebration

May there be Light

It's a Matter of Spacetime

Spring up, Fall down
to the Rhythm of the Hoop

Belthane is up again, and coming on strong

The young Woman of Spring
and the Lord of the Waxing Year
meet in the fields and rejoice
together under the warm Sun

The Time to Bloom for Each and All
under the Mighty Sun,
no holding back this Time!

Celebration will start on the First of May at the Round Hoop,
at Zero Hour (00:00) & will continue until Sunday the 3rd

Psychotropic DJs

Ozmali (music for modern rituals)
Satyr (from the Forest of Eleusis)
Izmar Music

.. and more ..

Ozmali `Forest Fusion´ CD Release
Julius Joker Spppprings out of his Box!

Hexafluodeco by Ozmali
tipi by Mixsikh of the Golden Temple
dome by Power Flower (stella metaflortex pinealis)
in cooperation with I & I Connections
location: Funny Farm

-camping possible-
(bring / B your instrument)

for much more info, visit

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