The Eleusinian Mysteries

Demeter, Triptolemus and Persephone (Kore)

Demeter, Triptolemos and Persephone (left to right)

The Eleusinian Mysteries

"Blessed is he who, having seen these rites, undertakes the way beneath the Earth. He knows the end of life, as well as its divinely granted beginning."

Eleusis, a sanctuary near Athens where secret initiation rites were held for more than two thousand years in ancient times - the Mysteries of the cult of Demeter (the Divine Mother, goddess of Fertility) and Persephone (her daughter, goddess of the Underworld). Initiates were offered a powerful potion called Kykeon to be united with their goddesses of worship. Even though the original site has been destroyed in 395 AD, the road to Eleusis is still travelled frequently.

apart from the quote,
all text ⓦ Satyr Barbarossa
(cc) 2009 CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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