Cosmic Freakshow

Cosmic Freakshow - Amsterdam - April 3rd, 2010

? what

A groovy night filled with progressive and psychedelic music, brought to you by the Prog as a Frog family to celebrate friendship and crazy cosmic events

? who

Come and join us to enjoy Easter together, with DJ's:

Satyr (Forest of Eleusis)
Supergroover (Bleep Bizarre)
Dogo (Centipede / Prog as a Frog)
Back to Mars (Mind Funk / Prog as a Frog)

decoration by D-Core

? when & where

Satyrday, April 3, 2010
from 23:00 till 05:00

Veemkade 251
Amsterdam, The Neverlands

edge of the eastern harbor
close to central station

click here for online map

? how much

Damage: 10 neuro at the door

! and

The first 30 guests to arrive will get a gift at the door (*)

(*) plus, i will be opening,
so that makes double the reasons
to arrive right on boarding time

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