Traversing the Noospherical Shell

"Focused on fine-tuning
the fundamental frequencies
traversing the noospherical shell,
geomagnetic resonance realigns
our shared realisation of
the realms of perception,

our sixth sensory faculty,
the collective consciousness;
harmonizing self-awareness,

nurturing a network
of interreactive glands,
a planet spanning plane
of reality-transducing nodes,
dancing around the Sun."

On Being Embedded In Planetary Geomagnetic Resonance
- Lani Kolates, 1887


click here to fold out to Metaprogramming
click here to fold up to Spaceship Earth - 2nd pilcrow



all text ⓦ Satyr Barbarossa
(cc) 2011 CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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