The Matrix Of All Matter

"All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force, which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter."

Max Planck, father of quantum-mechanics, 1944

In our times it seems, the deeper science fathoms the depths of material essence, the closer it gets to understanding universal knowledge, transmitted and received throughout all space and time. Intangible connections become apparent; parallel universes branch out in a kaleidoscopic manner; invisible dimensions and infinite probabilities come to light; visuals projections of the fractal multiverse around us mirror the boundlessness within; experiments become experience.

The circumference of old facts by new theories never seizes to spiral in on the core of cosmic wisdom with ever-decreasing radius, yet with ever-increasing levels of complexity when translating the development of its omnipresent continuity in discrete slices of human knowledge. Constant changes challenge consciousness to reiterate its parameters to gauge the evolution of physical properties that shape our common reality.

Focusing our perspective perception and synchronizing the apprehension rate of our reality-transducing nodes may enable us to collate and harmonize all subjective intuition; to collect and expand our consciousness to a planetary level; to extend our waves of thought throughout a wider frame of scales; to tap deeper from the source of the Universal Mind and learn to comprehend:

all is one, all is none
as above, so below.


.: the only constant in the universe is change :.

click here to fold out to Time And The More It Changes
click here to fold up to Metaprogramming


all text, apart from Planck's quote,
ⓦ Satyr Barbarossa (cc) 2011

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