Any Reality Is An Opinion


System 01 featuring Timothy Leary
"Any Reality Is An Opinion" (1990)

if you want to keep things moving
you should free the elements

- some people call that chaos

any reality is an opinion,
you make up your own reality

- wow!


Timothy Leary at work
click the image above to watch Tim at work

Apart from his colorful presence during The Sixties, from the turning-on of a generation to his becoming presidentially knighted the "Most Dangerous Man In America", Timothy Leary's most persistent resonance feeds back into our collective imagination in the shape of his thoughts on longevity, space migration and the eight-circuit model of consciousness. Drop by, tune in and spiral up!

click here to fold out to Maybe Logic
click here to fold up to Time And The More It Changes


.: think for yourself - question authority :.

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