Now With 23% More Aural Pleasure!

Single Personality Disorder in "Ups and Downs at Izzy's" - part 1

Satyr Satellites: now with 23% more Aural Pleasure!
Four New Mixes Online As Of January 2012
Surf Right Up And Get On Down

The blogging of the new year continues on a frequency of festivity with a quadragram of new mixes, recorded on three cerebellations around the Winter Solstice of 2011. Huddle up, but please do not push, trod or prod, tase or pull a Pike - there is plenty enough somethings for everyone and you.

First up, the SPD surprise attack on K3. That night DJ.Azepam and I played some... well, something beyond our (un)usual melange of Chill Fout and electrosonic escapades, something more suitably labelled as ... Thrill Out, purrhaps? Anywave, we veered somewhere in between dubstep, nippongabba and freakbeats, or for the Dutchies amongst us: op die breakfiets, u weet toch. 'Evermind, just dig in.

Second on the menu comes a two plate course: Winter Solstice Smoke Signals - not as complicated a catch when fishing for style definitions as the previous mix, yet just as much a tag magnet. Taking off from a certain ambiescence, both parts of this mix move up the creek from groovy ambidelics to undulating drum-n-space and downtempo breakbeats. Quite the yummy entrée forrrr ...

... last course and third, the Solstice dessert, served and recorded 'round midnight on last year's special edition of Trancending. This is the midway part of the three hour Krazy Kris vs Odr vs Ozmali vs Satyr vs Whrikk 5x5 back2back pongping opening estafette set. Psychedelic forest trance - nuff said, bon apetit.

Okifenoki - enough verbosity, on with the tunes. Find the links to these mixes right below all these words & keep both your eyes and a third ear open for separate posts with tracklists and other mix details to follow in the near future. Namaskaramba!

click here to download the SPD mix
click here to download the first Smoke Signals
click here to download the second Smoke Signals
click here to download the 5x5 Solstice estafette set

follow this link to a previous mix: Willy's Wobblebot Factory

.: share & enjoy :.

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