The Non-Weekly Goosebumper - 08+04=12

The Non-Weekly Goosebumper - 08+04=12

today: Galaxy - "Baile Celestial"

Above and below separate once again. The local frequency resonates harmonically as it blends with Blenn's. Corpuscles of perception gather themselves from the atmospherical void between the branching of leaves. They seem to condensate out of nothing and precipitate from the tree to become me at its base. Triggering a reboot of my reality projector, the perceptional vector shifts back to inward direction - inhaling deeply yet slowly after a very long breath out. The return of I as night became day.

Boom Festival, August 2000, Portugal

.: brrrrr and this lion goes prrrrr :.

click here for a previous goosebumper

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