Bom·Voyage·Sugar·Factory - 17/05/14

Satyrday · 2014 May 17 · Bom Voyage · Sugar Factory

For a second time around, the Bom Voyage crew surfaces overground at one the sweetest locations in Amsterdam. Yes, sweet indeed. The SugarFactory has added a fine share of flavor to the local clublife, ever since its inception. As of 2014, Bom Voyage will frequently mix a proper blend of psychosonic spices and fluorescent herbs with their jampacked stew. The recipe for this weekend's menu goes as follows:

[ psychophonic mechanics ]

PETRAN (Parvati rec/Sonic Loom) - live
KASADELICA (Uroboros rec) - live
BACK TO MARS (Bom Voyage)
SATYR ( .·. )

[ visuospatial division ]

BOAZ - laser
NUNS WITH GUNS - visuals

[ nootritional additives ]


[ 4D coordination ]

Satyrday May 17 2014
from 23:00 till 05:00

SugarFactory Amsterdam
Lijnbaansgracht 238
The Neverlands

- click here for an online map -

· for more detailed informication, follow this link to fb
· for more location informulation, follow this link to sf

a highlit vidsnip of the prev BV at the SF

.: namaskaramba :.

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