What (not) to expect ...

[ solstitial mandala / tattoo artwork by orge at stc ]

stars turn dim
sun shines bright
dance all day
fly by night

Juicing up for this year's Northern Summer Solstice on Satyrday, preparing to spin in town by day and head out to the sylvan edge by night, to join the outdoor solstitial cerebralation under the Moon and perform musical magic at the High Noon Mass in the church of Ruigoord on Sunday.

What (not) to expect ... ? Try any or all of these mixes:

[ play them above, download below ]

Summit on Mount Sumeru
8-bit Ballroom Pro 2.0.12
Vernal Equinocturnal
Royal Smoke Signals
Bruma Borealis
Solstitium Australe
The echatatonic Chants of Mu

[ try those not up in the mixclouds yet ]

Around the Day in an Hour
Star Tetrahedron - part 1
Star Tetrahedron - part 2
Star Tetrahedron - part 3
Ease on down the Donau
23000 Theta Cycles
SPD - part 1
SPD - part 2
SPD - part 3



.: pace et luce :.

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