Free The Fietsers!

text in the image above: research shows that 96% of scooters and mopeds driving too fast, causing health and safety hazards

Tring Tring!

My dear fellow Bicycle Riders,

The City of Amsterdam, one of the most renowned Bicycle Capitals on Earth, needs your support. The mayor of Amsterdam, Eberhard van der Laan worked hard to put his foot down (and quite solidly so) at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment. He made the Ministry aware of the fact that bicycle paths all over Amsterdam have indeed become flooded with scooters and mopeds, causing hazardous situations, thereby increasing health risks and diminishing safety in general.

After much consideration the minister agreed that all bicycle paths in town should become no-go areas for all motorized bikes. However, quite a large part of the Dutch House of Representatives now wants to block the plans to set bicyclists in Amsterdam free, to put it short and simple. Therefore, the Dutch Bicyclists Union started a petition to show the Dutch Government bikers mean business:

Geef het fietspad terug aan de fietsers
Return the bicycle path to the bicyclists

If you like to ride your bike in Amsterdam,
please visit this website and sign the petition.

Brought to you by the friendly folks of the Fietsersbond.
fietsersbond on facebook

.: tring tring :.

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