Green Fleece, Wooden Wool

恭禧发财 - Gong Xi Fa Cai!
红包拿来 - Hong Bao Na Lai?

2015, February 19 to 24 - Another New Year's Cerebralation

Slowly the equine night ebbs, riding tides of time. Eleven stabled years. A soft shadow of sound, a galloping echo, fades westward with the dark. Dew drops dance, dawn treads the earth - Light - bathing morning glory.

Eastern horizon, sunrise, curtain - the clock strikes thirteen moons. Blue-lit skyline stirs the soil, surface ruffles in rays' path, amok in its wake. A flock of clouds, fleece, fluff and wool; a fleeting patch of gray on green.

The range up close: a sheep stampede, an ovine chase; a tail that dusts a lone wolf's tracks - Dear Charles - the tables turned!

Fugitive aghast - the brink of a blink, a lupine lunge. Rising afoot, spine full aspar, his hind's last legs aspur.

Paws clamp the jaws, midst growl and drool; off comes the mask, out bulges wool. Howl chokes to bleat, a roar in mourn - Behold - a sheep in wolf's adorn!

"Merci, pretty please - have merrrcy!
There is no THEM anywhere!
I am just another You!"

Bheh Bhah
Bhah Bheh
Boo Boo

Satyr Barbarossa
February 2015

.: mu moo mu shin :.

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