(Don't) Play The Five Tones - '[TFT4]'

Time For Techno - '[TFT4]': Sweet Exorcist - Testone *

If everything's ready here on the Dark Side of the Moon ...
play the five tones.

originally released labellessly in 1989,
then set free by Warp Records
as WAP 3 in 1990


five hues make one blind
ears may see when eyes can hear
five tones make one deaf


* sample taken from Close Encounters of the Third Kind

** follow this link for an interview with Richard H Kirk, one of the two hinds bemind Sweet Exorcist, about Bleep, Jack, Test, Warp and Clonk ... yes. Them five and other fabulosities.

title and haikai inspired by Lao Tzu


.: up the tech :.

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