Hitchhiker's Guide To Hyperland


Hyperland (BBC II, MCMXC)

Had a hoopy landing after Towel Day?

Options & Answers
> Good frood! Like we knew you would.

> Not landed yet? Still soaring amidst the stars with your thumb up in the dark void? Have a hoopy one and do drop us a card from Santraginus V before you sober up for your journey home.

C|...!? Tow the What Day?
> Alright! Don't Panic. Keep your Adams on, you zarkin' frood. Just thumb back to the introduction, have a pan galactic gargle blaster (just one, on the house, free of charge, refund of obligatory rehabilitation costs not included) grab your towel and zap along the galaxy to meet us halfway to Milliways.

For those who chose answer A: would you care for some retro-futuro entertainment, whilst we impatiently await the safe return of those who chose answer B or C? Then, in that meanspacetime, let us kick back, relax, rewind to the world avant les lettres WWW and enjoy some really revolutionary stuff, like Hypertext! Guernica! Picasso! Bach! Micons! Memex! Project Xanadu! Beethoven! And a groundbreaking, interactive version of his Ninth!

... Well, revolutionary and groundbreaking, back in the day Hyperland first saw light, per haps, yes. But hold that thought, as it may just take as long as it took Hyperland to age to today for them B and C choosers to make their way around galactic center and you probably have to fill them in on all the ups and downs to come in the two-and-a-half decades ahead of us, or rather, our future history.

And speaking of Adams, ...
Thanks again, Doug.

Index of onlinear (re)sources highlighted above
Towel Day / Santraginus V / zarkin' / frood /
pan galactic gargle blaster / Milliways /
retro-futuro / avant la lettre / Guernica /
Hyperland / galactic center / Douglas Adams


.: thumb up - share & enjoy - so long :.

apart from the sampled:
all text ⓦ Satyr Barbarossa
(cc) 2016 CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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