
2017, April 19+7, Après-Bicyclette

Une semaine après notre Grand Départ annuel ...

One week after crossing the starting line of our annual Bicycle Day cerebralations, we make our aumward return. At the finish, holding out a black and white checkered blotter flag, Saint Albert Uncle Hofmann welcomes us. Our outward spiraling wheels slowly stop spinning as we come down to a halt next to him, flagging down our bikes.
After a wide and warm embrace, he holds us softly by the shoulders, looks us in the eye and smiles, then turns to our side, joins us as our gaze floats out over the Earth's plane stretching out in front of us, pauses to breathe, then speaking sincere words of swissdom ...

"Alienation from nature and the loss of the experience of being part of the living creation is the greatest tragedy of our materialistic era. It is the causative reason for ecological devastation and climate change.

Therefore I attribute absolute highest importance to consciousness change. I regard psychedelics as catalyzers for this. They are tools which are guiding our perception toward other deeper areas of our human existence, so that we again become aware of our spiritual essence. Psychedelic experiences in a safe setting can help our consciousness open up to this sensation of connection and of being one with nature.

LSD and related substances are not drugs in the usual sense, but are part of the sacred substances, which have been used for thousand of years in ritual settings. The classic psychedelics like LSD, Psilocybin and Mescaline are characterized by the fact that they are neither toxic nor addictive. It is my great concern to separate psychedelics from the ongoing debates about drugs, and to highlight the tremendous potential inherent to these substances for self-awareness, as an adjunct in therapy, and for fundamental research into the human mind.

It is my wish that a modern Eleusis will emerge, in which seeking humans can learn to have transcendent experiences with sacred substances in a safe setting. I am convinced that these soul-opening, mind-revealing substances will find their appropriate place in our society and our culture."

Albert Hofmann
2007, April 19

- image from the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors shop,
printed on the backside of the card with the painting
"St. Albert and the LSD Revelation Revolution" by Alex Grey

· visit alexgrey.com & shop.cosm.org for more details
· click any or all of the highlighted links for additional content

.: paving the path :.

apart from the sampled,
all text ⓦ Satyr Barbarossa
(cc) 2017 / / CCBYNCND4.0

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