Kill The Buddha

2017.06.11 - Nam mô A di đà Phật

If you meet the Buddha
on the road

kill him

he sets
on fire

Nam mô A di đà Phật
- Bồ Tát Thích Quảng Đức
1963, June 11

as recited during
his self-immolation

Nam mô A di đà Phật

in Vietnamese,
as in Japanese:

Namu Amida Butsu

In reverence to Amida Buddha

"If you meet the Buddha,
kill the Buddha."

Linji Yixuan / Rinzai Gigen
- founder of the Linji school,
one of five Houses of Chinese Chan Buddhism,
extended to Japanese Zen Buddhism as the Rinzai school

Kill the Buddha

- perhaps one of the more (in)famous koans,
sprouted in fertile Oriental tradition,
widely misunderstood in Occidental circles.

Nothing special, really.

Merely a reminder
to keep paying attention,
to never really believe anything;
a useful tool to exercise one's state of mind,
to silence the analytical and favour the intuitive,
to puzzle those who claim to understand Zen

... or so it may seem.

Đức - Wikipedia entry
Nianfo - Wikipedia entry
Amitabha - Wikipedia entry

a few more words
on Amitabha Buddha
and Shinran Buddhism
from Robert Anton Wilson


_/|\_ namaskaramba _/|\_

apart from the sampled,
all text ⓦ Satyr Barbarossa
(cc) 2017 / / CCBYNCND4.0

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