a paradise,
all borders fantasy
no one alone,
all of us family
think for yourself,
question authority
keen up and delve,
act with humanity
live and let live,
sharing in empathy
single vision,
plural reality
music: Atlantis - Paradise
(Apollo Records - 93)
inspiration: Dr. TFL
all text ⓦ Satyr Barbarossa
(cc) 2024, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Single Vision, Plural Reality
Happy Maybe Day!
happy maybe day!
excommunicate you lot
- we must shtick apart
Greetings Fellow Discordian Excommunicates, Erisian Ecstatics, H.E.A.D. Heads and other Marvellous Maybeings!
Party:cipating with Maybe Day '23 synced in perfectly with my cosmic agenda. However, this year, a plentiful of Summer buzzings impel me to keep it fnord short and sweet, with a quote and a clip .. well, "clip" ... the whole Maybe Logic documentary, rather:
And for those visitors, unfamiliar with Maybe Day: visit maybeday.net, rawilson.com, or click here to catch a glimpse of what today's festivities may or not have in store, and do not forget to click any other fnord link you may find on your path. RAW's incorrigibly optimistic quote, posted above, will become elaborated later on ..
... maybe.
From Maera and Me,
with Love and Lasagna,
.: spectacles genitals brandy blunts :.
all text ⓦ Satyr Barbarossa
(cc) 2024, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
all rights reserved - all lefts reversed