馬 - Giddyup Go!

click the image if you have no idea what it represents

Gong Xi Fa Cai - Hong Bao Na Lai

Happy Lunar New Year!

Nearly trampled under the tremorous tread of its successor's hooves, the Black Water Snake slowly slithers away to empty the annual stage for the Green Wooden Horse, as the lunisolar year takes another terrestrial turn.

The start of a wooden year seems like the perfect time for some forest music, so saddle up! The cerebralations will last till the light of the last lantern dies out.

... speaking of wooden horses and forest music ...

.: 恭喜發財 :.

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Music in a Message

watch it on youtube

Sigil - "Wunch of Bankers"

"Most people assume that a bank takes in a deposit and then they loan that deposit out and this creates liquidity in the system. That is false. In today’s banking system, banks first lend money into existence. That's where money comes from: it is loaned into existence as debt. (...) What happens is that when banks want to get more laws passed to deregulate the system, to make it easier for them to continue this Ponzi scheme, they suddenly flash huge debt that they said they just found; they just discovered it."

from the compilation "Age of Deceit"
out on Glitchy.Tonic.Records (Berlin)
available for free at www.ektoplazm.org

sample quoted / quote sampled
from a PressTV interview
with Max Keiser

.: share & enjoy :.

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"Wilhelm!" the Sergeant shouts.
"Yeah! I'll just fill my pipe," Private Wilhelm replies from his saddle.
While he digs into his tobaccee, an arrow is shot from the bushes.
It pierces his thigh to the bone; he screams: "AAAaah!"

... and thus was born: The Wilhelm.

If you're kind of a sound buff (as am I) and a movie lover on the side (as too am I) and a Star Wars adept on top of that (yes, I confess), you've probably heard of The Wilhelm, or The Wilhelm Scream in full. Probably - prost mobably, perhaps. Yet if you've never heard of The Wilhelm, chances are you did hear it - and they are large, unless you never watch movies or television or never play any videogames.

watch it here on youtube

The scream itself is named after Private Wilhelm, a character from the movie The Charge at Feather River (1953). Wilhelm is shown in the picture at the top of this post, a still of the screaming moment, and is quoted in the introduction underneath. However, neither Private Wilhelm nor the actor playing his part in the movie are responsible for letting out this scream, or rather mimicking it, for the first time.

In fact, the scream is an example of precorded sound effects, used to dub the original dialogue in movies, for instance. The most likely source of The Wilhelm are the vocal folds of singer Sheb Wooley, allegedly renowned for his screaming abilities, who played a part in Distant Drums (1951) and also recorded some vocal sound fx during post-production of this movie, where the scream is heard for the very first time. The Wilhelm is actually number four in a series of screams and still the most popular one ... well, amongst audio engineers, at least. Anywave, check out this feature on Youtube and, lost mikely, you will recognize it the next time* you hear it screaming by.

or watch it here on youtube

* looking forward to hear it in episode 7

click here to fold out to Techno
click here to fold up to What the Future sounded like

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What The Future Sounded Like


Australian documentary about the founders of Electronic Music Studios, Peter Zinovieff, Tristram Cary and David Cockerell, and their influence on the shape of sound and its synthesis in our common present.

Pioneers. Mavericks. Heroes.

Compared with the polished sound of today's over-processed music, the sound of the future in the past must have sounded like ... well, like "an electronic form of the drug acid." ... Say what!? Nah, say not - just listen to an example of the VCS3, one of the most (in)famous pieces of EMS' equipment, in action.

watch it on youtube

click here to fold out to AAAaaah!

.: share & enjoy :.

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See Infinite Tea

watch it on youtube

Fractals - Hunting the Hidden Dimension

In the mind's eye
a fractal is a way
of seeing infinity.

- James Gleick, Chaos (1987)

Another quite interesting documentary from PBS' Nova. Whilst leaving the discussion of global warming for another place, another time, it seems safe to say this documentary gives a nice introductory view on the history of fractals and the influence they had and still have on science as well as art. Now, as for the effects on the mind of mankind in general and the central fractal antenna of an individual in particular ... that's a whole'nother story - a whole nutta, indeed.
Let's dive in, shall we? 720p & after thee!

watch it on youtube...
...with another soundtrack?

To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour

- William Blake, Auguries of Innocence

.:[ ∞ ]:.

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Pulling a Cosmic Trigger

Last night, I finished reading Robert Anton Wilson's Cosmic Trigger * ... again. It cannot be overstated, in my humble opinion: what a gem.

This book was originally published in 1977;
here's an excerpt from the preface of the 1986 edition:

"It should be obvious to all intelligent readers (but curiously is not obvious to many) that my viewpoint in this book is one of agnosticism. The word 'agnostic' appears explicitly in the prologue and the agnostic attitude is revealed again and again in the text, but many people still think I 'believe' some of the metaphors and models employed here. I therefore want to make it even clearer than ever before that


This remark was made, in these very words, by John Gribbin, physics editor of New Scientist magazine, in a BBC-TV debate with Malcolm Muggeridge, and it provoked incredulity on the part of most viewers. It seems to be a hangover of the medieval Catholic era that causes most people, even the educated, to think that everybody must 'believe' something or other, that if one is not a theist, one must be a dogmatic atheist, and if one does not think Capitalism is perfect, one must believe fervently in Socialism, and if one does not have blind faith in X, one must alternatively have blind faith in not-X or the reverse of X.

My own opinion is that belief is the death of intelligence. As soon as one believes a doctrine of any sort, or assumes certitude, one stops thinking about that aspect of existence. The more certitude one assumes, the less there is left to think about, and a person sure of everything would never have any need to think about anything and might be considered clinically dead under current medical standards, where absence of brain activity is taken to mean that life has ended."

Highly recommended, recommended rather highly, in this materialistic day and mechanistic age, when and where science and atheism seem like dogmatic expressions of a new, true faith; when and where the words "cogito ergo sum" seem to mean "iThink therefore iAm".

( - _ ^ )

A thousand thanks, dear Bob - five tons of flax!

* finished part 1, that is - diving into 2 & 3 asap.

pic & txt sampled from "Cosmic Trigger - Part 1"
(by Robert Anton Wilson
© New Falcon Press, 1986)



in chaos to create order,
click there to visit rawilson.com.

Bob's Our Uncle - node 23.001, click here
Bob's Our Uncle - node 23.002, click here
Bob's Our Uncle - node 23.003, click here
Bob's Our Uncle - node 23.004, click here
Bob's Our Uncle - node 23.005, click here

.: words create the world :.

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Hot Lemonade

Good Mawning

Skip Coffee,
Drink Lemon

While it is virtually impossible in my universe and not mandatory in yours to skip coffee completely, it is an age old advice to start the day with hot lemon juice = fresh squeeze + hot water. Hung over on this or any other New Year's Day? Try it - you will love it.

.: share & enjoy :.

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The Non-Monthly Goosebumper - 01.01.2014

The Non-Monthly Goosebumper - 01.01.14

When the trees are falling
from the leaves around me ...

Black Sun Empire feat.
Thomas Oliver & Youthstar:

"All Is Lost"

... or is it?

.: brrrrr and this lion goes prrrrr :.

click here for a previous goosebumper

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