Bob's Our Uncle - node 23.002

... and Bob's Our Uncle - node 23.002:

The Thing that ate the Constitution

"The TSOG stalketh the land and the serfs bow and worship it. It stealeth property, it burneth neighborhoods, it killeth all opposition. Ye think it only doth its violence to black people, or Hispanics, or kooks with odd religions, but its hand is at your own throat even now.
TSOG fthagn! What, are ye stupid, or something?"

- Abdul Alhazred, The Tsaronomicon

an interview with Robert Anton Wilson about his book
TSOG - The Thing That Ate the Constitution
a sirius satire, published 2002

intertainment for surfers of the synaptic surface,
a wealthy well of wisdom transmitting from within,
illuminating thoughts resonating through spacetime,
originating from a near-parallel reality tunnel

· on government & other collective hallucinations:
"The more people are weary about their government, the better. The more people trust their government, the more troubles we're gonna have."

· on dogmas & Belief Systems:
"Of course I don't believe in (my own conspiracy theory)
or I would become a fanatic."

· on human chauvinism & collectively overestimating ourselves:
"Genepools sometimes get wiped out, individuals almost always get wiped out, but life itself seems absolutely immortal and invulnerable. (...) We can really mess things up to a great extent, but I don't think we can destroy life entirely."

Or, as a zen-master might add: nothing special.

"Nobody's supposed to be thinking about these things." - RAW

· watch Robert Anton Wilson's TSOG interview on youtube
· click here to fold up to node 23.001
· click here to fold out to node 23.003
· click here to fold out to node 23.004
· click here to fold out to node 23.005

· visit Robert Anton Wilson - [ click here ]
· visit the RAW archive - [ click here ]

.: abbondanza di lasagnetti per tutti :.

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