Welcome Home, Space Brothers!

WAR NO MORE - IX: Welcome Home, Space Brothers!

They will be landing very soon, as soon as the Earth man himself steps up his consciousness and receives the Space Brothers in an open, receptive way, when they lay down their weaponry, when they lay down their hatreds ...
- quoted from Space Brothers by Air Liquide [ details ]

Wittily and winkfully ignoring any degree of new age blabble apparent in the introductory soundtrack to this post (no offense, excuse my pardon, maestri Jammin' Unit and Dr Walker), we do indeed welcome our space brothers.

As a matter of non-fictional fact, we welcome them home and cordially so. However, they did not travel by ufo - not from our own perspective. After revolving around the Earth for a year, yet not breaking the 1995 record by far (chapeau to Polyakov the Champ), American astronaut Scott Kelly and Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko will return from the International Space Station to our shared surface under the Sun, later today*.

Apart from their safe return, let's look forward to these men arranging a rendez-vous with Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin to pull an Edgar Mitchell** on them or at least share all their stories to exemplify how Yankees, Russkies and the rest of us can learn to get along and get along just fine - just to show how ri di q lous it seems that the myopic nature of politics repeatedly causes the progress of progress to come to a screeching halt.

With towering amounts of pro- and antipaganda, mudslung piles reaching heaven high, we continually blow sand in each other's eyes. We imagine, that the excrements-in-ink we use to draw maps on pieces of paper and the excrements-in-pixels we use to draw maps on The Screen in between us, actually describe the world outside our windows, but on the contrary: nature does not recognize nations, nor does it draw lines in the sand. Yet, by doing so ourselves, we send our children to war, to sacrifice our future for the sake of greed, continually ignoring the simple fact, that we cannot survive alone - only together as one.

It appears to me it doesn't take a view of Mother Earth from the surface of the Moon to recognize the unity in our diversity, but perhaps it may help. In that case: go ESA and go humanity! In the meantime, before we gaze back at Earth from our future moonbase:
! Miru Mir - Peace to the World !

* Watch www.nasa.tv for live coverage of the re-entry;
follow the following links to Wikipedia entries for:
[ ISS Year Long Mission ] [ Scott Kelly ] [ Mikhail Kornienko ]

** Rest in Peace, Ed. May your message travel to the Moon and back and revolve Mother Earth as many times as it may take to deliver the punchline of your message, until it finally sinks in.

As for Pulling a Mitchell ... click here (a thousand thanks, Gavin!)

More War No More to follow
for as long as we choose
to divide, oppose and prod
one and other like cattle

link down to War No More - VIII
link down to War No More - VII
link down to War No More - VI
link down to War No More - V
link down to War No More - IV
link down to War No More - III
link down to War No More - II
link down to War No More - I

.: peace or perish :.

all text, apart from the quote
ⓦ Satyr Barbarossa (cc) 2016

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