Initiating The Annual Brunalia Cerebralation

Initiating The Annual Brunalia Cerebralation

1395 SH, Azar 24 - 2016 AO*, December 21 - 3182 YOLD, The Aftermath 63 - 5777 AM, Kislev 11 - 6016 AL, December 21 - ...

Moving from equinox to solstice, resurfacing after one quarter spiral ellipse around the stellar core of our solar system, by returning to and from Eleusis for the initiation of the annual solstitial cerebralation of Giordano Bruno's birth.

Bruno - astronomer, freethinker, mathematician, occultist, philosopher - who extended the Copernican heliocentric model with his ideas and theories, encompassing an infinite universe, a multipicity of worlds, the existence of extrasolar planets and the likelihood of extraterrestrial life, with an intuitive approach to logic and a rational grasp on instinct, nevertheless without proper scientific evidence; Filippo Bruno, a Dominican friar, who released his self from the weight of dogma that surpressed the freedom of his mind, who broke free from the shackles of the rigid, theocratic belief system he thitherto adhered to; Giordano Bruno, who committed several acts of heresy, ultimately embraced by the authority of the catatholic church, welcomed with their zealous love to respond to such heretic behavior with their traditional burning at the stake. Yes. The festive immolation of skepsis. 1600 AO in Bruno's case.

Thus, over a foursome centuries since**, Giordano Bruno, Il Nolano, became a symbol for the free-thinking mind and its ability to bridge the abyss between what we tend to dissociatively conceive as the spiritual and the material. A symbol, not an icon - nothing mythical, neither mystical, but merely metaphorical - to cerebralate the delightful return of the light, showing the way along the middle path between intuition and logic, between reason and instinct. And what better moment to engage the symbolic cerebralation of his birth, than the day the Sun regains its northward rise, the day the light returns? Why, indeed: the December solstice. Henceforth, in honor of Bruno's name, these annual festivities shall remain known as the Brunalia.

Carpe diem noctemque!
Let us cerebralate!

Viva Il Nolano!
Viva Il Sole!

Now, let us raise hats and heads and open our minds after we sign off with this clip from Cosmos, judged by some of us as rather historically inadequate and quite controversial, mostly due to the succinctity of the summary of Bruno's history into approximately ten minutes.

* AO or "Anno Occidentalis" instead of AD or Anno "Domini".

** It took the catatholic church 350 years to pardon Galilei, yet it still has not forgiven nor beatified Bruno. If only it understood how Bruno's martyrly status steadily grows the longer it takes to finally do so.

onlinear re:sources
- Britannica:
- Infidels:
- New Advent:
- New World Encyclopedia:
- Wikipedia:

.: fiat lux et vivat pax :.

apart from the quoted:
all text ⓦ Satyr Barbarossa
(cc) 2016 CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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