Sollemnitas Brumalis ☉ Solstitial Ritual Festival

bacchanal and dionysiac rites - sampled from alexander's tomb

Sollemnitas Brumalis - Solstitial Ritual Festival

The Cerebralation of the Winter Solstice

Season's greetings, Sea's and Sun's breedlings! After initiating the Brunalia, we may return to Eleusis for the final feast of Brumalia and thence, the finale of the Saturnalia.

Summarizing, paraphrasing, et vice versa: the Brumalia encompass the Bacchian festivities to cerebralate the return of the Sun, in ancient Roman times. These romanized festivities continued the ancient Greek rites in honour of Kronos, Demeter and Dionysos. The ceremonies took place during the month until and including the time of the December or Southern solstice; the Winter solstice, north of the equator, the Summer solstice, south of the equator.

How these rites transformed into a commercial commemoration of Kris Kringle’s birthday, may become unraveled over a salon table at different spatiotemporal coordinates, ... per haps or maybe not. Nevertheless, whatever dissociative deification we may choose, whichever man-made metaphors we tend to mythicize, when the mind opens our eyes, we will notice that our annually recurring cerebralations simply revolve around this and other celestial events. By practising these rites, enjoying the festivities and sharing in the experience, with this solemn yet ludic method, we may obtain knowledge of our present position in and connection with, what we tend to conceive as, our surrounding environment, the local universe, Nature at large.

For an example of further demythification of some of our common metaphors, ponder along with Joseph Campbell:

For a Dionysian hymn to Apollo to accompany the current cerebralation of the Brumalia, play the cerephonial recording below ...

... or click here to download this mix, titled: Bruma Borealis

onlinear re:sources

Joseph Campbell Foundation:
JCF Youtube channel:
Xmas' Pagan roots:
Greek mythology:

.: ab tenebra ad lucem - from darkness to light :.

apart from the quoted:
all text ⓦ Satyr Barbarossa
(cc) 2012, 2013, 2016 CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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