Day Out Of Time ☉ 2017

Blue Spectral Storm

Thirteen months of twenty-eight days add up to 13 x 28 = 364 days in a year. This leaves out one day to complete the year as a 365 day cycle, and that one day exists as the Leap Day in traditional Mayan astronomy: the Day Out Of Time - today, July 25.

Whether we choose to embrace the Galactic Dreamspell calendar or consult the traditional Mayan Tzolk'in, on the Day Out Of Time we can find each other encompassing a center point in our midst:
the Maya did not manufacture a key to unlock some sort of doomsday device; they gained access to ingredients of a natural calendar, in full phase with terrestrial, lunar, solar, galactic and cosmic rhythms, unlike that good ol' Gregorian timepiece that keeps on keeping us in check chack check chack check chack ...

Time has come to dance instead of march
- dance to the beat of the Sun.

Satyr Barbarossa, 2012 - 2017

click here to enter the Temple Of Our Time
image sampled from 1320 Sync /

.: in lak'ech :.

writ: satyr barbarossa
(cc) 2017 cc by-nc-nd 4.0

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