All As One And One As All

There's a room where the light won't find you
Holding hands while the walls come crumbling down
When they do I'll be right behind you

Tears For Fears
Everybody Wants To Rule The World

(Angela Moss' Karaoke Version - Mr. Robot)

... and of course, ...

Everybody should rule the World. Nobody excluded.
For if everybody would rule, we would have no rulers.
No more rulers, no more titular heads, visible or not.
Everybody, standing side by side, no more rat-race,
no more need to climb invisible ladders of success,
each and every one of us a free and sovereign ruler,
responsible for our own lives and interdependent
on everybody else, adaptable to each and every
possible function, like the stars of a galaxy,
like the cells of a body, a whole of wholes,
celebrating the unity of units,
all as one and one as all.

War No More.
Peace Or Perish.

.: pace et luce :.

writ: satyr barbarossa
(cc) 2017 cc by-nc-nd 4.0

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De Bijlmer Opera

1992.10.04 - 2017.10.04

Twenty-five years ago, on this very date,
El Al flight 1862 crashed into Earth
fifteen minutes after taking off
... and the Bijlmer burnt

The Bijlmerramp

a smoldering wound
leaving a deep scar
across the suburban
tissue of Amsterdam

an impact in history
of which the echoes
resound at the climax
of De Bijlmer Opera
by Jacques Bank

Today, I'd rather share this musical piece with you,
much rather than a repetition of documentaries,
news items and such, for it communicates more
than just the actual disaster.

I would and I do.

--with better audio, without video--

C'est toujours la vie qui a raison,
l'architecte qui a tort

in memory of all

.: pace et luce :.

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