Ho Ho! Lo, Below! - Christmas' Shamanic Roots

ho ho! lo, below!
agaric paws, yellow snow

white dots deep red glow

Shamanic origins of modern traits become more clear than ever as we trace coinciding trails of mushrooms and humans throughout more and less recent times of our common past.

Apart from understanding how the crossing paths of mushrooms and humans may increasingly likely have spawned religions and traditions, giving rise to mystical tales of mythical figures left and right, research the Opisthokonta eukaryotic sub-domain to learn about the mutual ancestors of all fungal and animal life.

onlinear re:sources
inhabitat - Santa And The Shrooms
entheology - When Santa Was A Mushroom
sam woolfe - The Psychedelic Origin Of Christianity
npr - Did Shrooms Send Santa And His Reindeer Flying?
livescience - 8 Ways Magic Mushrooms Explain Santa Story

- video source: nytimes 2017.21.12 / link

.: see sun's green things :.

apart from the quoted:
all text ⓦ Satyr Barbarossa
(cc) 2017 CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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Think And Let Think ☉ Io Brunalia

2017 AO, December 21 - Think And Let Think! Io Brunalia!

At the peak of Brumalia*
- during the December Solstice -
the annual Brunalia festivities commence ...

This commemorative cerebralation of the birth of Giordano Bruno, symbolizing the annual return of the Light, encompassing the Northern Winter Solstice, invites us to embrace Free Thinking and Peace on Earth.

Without idealizing and idolizing a historical figure to mythical heights, without submitting to a hierarchy of worship or prostrating ourselves before others, we revere Giordano "Il Nolano" Bruno, not as a saviour of souls, but as a martyr, as a symbol of our free-thinking spirit, a symptom of the free-thinking Mind at large.

As elucidated before**, now once again:
a symbol, not an icon.

May we never take any of our models as gospel!
May we never accept a belief system as dogma!

Live Lovely! Love Lively!
Think and Let Think!

Io Brunalia!

onlinear re:sources relating to Bruno 
- Britannica: britannica.com/Giordano-Bruno
- Infidels: infidels.org/giordano_bruno
- New Advent: newadvent.org/giordano_bruno
- New World Encyclopedia: newworldencyclopedia.org/Bruno
- Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/Giordano_Bruno

* follow this link for more details on the Brumalia cerebralation
** follow this link for more details on the Brunalia initiation

.: fiat lux et vivat pax :.

apart from the quoted:
all text ⓦ Satyr Barbarossa
(cc) 2017 CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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Do What Thou Chilt - '[CHLT22]'

下午安好 世界!
Добрый день, Мир!

Good Afternoon, World!



DeepChord / Echospace
The Coldest Season
(Modern Love, 2007)

release / details
artist / details

solstice to solstice
equinox to equinox
all seasons at once

( ^ _ - )

.: do what thou chilt :.

writ: satyr barbarossa (cc) 2017 cc by-nc-nd 4.0

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The Art Of Peace - 十一

The Art of Peace - The Divine Beauty of Heaven and Earth

The Art of Peace - 十一

Consider the ebb and flow of the tide. When waves come
to strike the shore, they crest and fall, creating a sound.
Your breath should follow the same pattern,
absorbing the entire universe in your belly
with each inhalation.
Know that we all have access to four treasures:
the energy of the sun and moon,
the breath of heaven,
the breath of earth,
and the ebb and flow of the tide.

- Ueshiba Morihei,
O Sensei, Tsunemori
from The Art Of Peace
by John Stevens




cosmos' void takes form
air flows in, belly curls out
one wave, down above

Barbarossa Satyr

fuhen - universal
kokyuu - breath, breathing
fukushikikokyuu - abdominal breathing
fuhenkushikikokyuu - universal abdominal breathing

_o_ domo arigato gozaimashita _o_

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Time For Techno - '[ TFT10 ]'

下午安好 世界!
Добрый день, Мир!
Good Afternoon, World!

[ time for techno ]


Broken In Pieces

BrokenBroken EP
Touched Music

universal whole
connecting parts, unimpaired
each bit of itself

b12 online
1 / 2 / facebook

touched bandcamp
discogs' details


video by
youtube channel

.: up the tech :.

rijimugedo haikai
writ: satyr barbarossa
(cc) 2017 cc by-nc-nd 4.0

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All We Need Is Love

 North Korea  >>>  United States: 

"... to get rid of ruin, do not make reckless remarks." *

Well, ... how does this one sound
for a wreckless remark:


* source:

War No More

One of our favorite pastimes.
One of our futile pastimes.
All war equals Us vs Us.

Live Lovely, Love Lively

More War No More to follow
for as long as we choose
to divide, oppose and prod
one and other like cattle

link in to War No More - XI
link in to War No More - X
link in to War No More - IX
link in to War No More - VIII
link in to War No More - VII
link in to War No More - VI
link in to War No More - V
link in to War No More - IV
link in to War No More - III
link in to War No More - II
link in to War No More - I

.: peace or perish :.

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The Non-Weekly Goosebumper - 2017.11.09

The Non-Weekly Goosebumper - 2017.11.09


The Moon & The Sun
Satellite (Journey Into The Sun rmx)
(Part 3 of 3 - Superstition Records - 1996)



journey to the sun
please fasten your spacetimebelts
dancing aumward bound



.: namaskaramba :.

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All As One And One As All

There's a room where the light won't find you
Holding hands while the walls come crumbling down
When they do I'll be right behind you

Tears For Fears
Everybody Wants To Rule The World

(Angela Moss' Karaoke Version - Mr. Robot)

... and of course, ...

Everybody should rule the World. Nobody excluded.
For if everybody would rule, we would have no rulers.
No more rulers, no more titular heads, visible or not.
Everybody, standing side by side, no more rat-race,
no more need to climb invisible ladders of success,
each and every one of us a free and sovereign ruler,
responsible for our own lives and interdependent
on everybody else, adaptable to each and every
possible function, like the stars of a galaxy,
like the cells of a body, a whole of wholes,
celebrating the unity of units,
all as one and one as all.

War No More.
Peace Or Perish.

.: pace et luce :.

writ: satyr barbarossa
(cc) 2017 cc by-nc-nd 4.0

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De Bijlmer Opera

1992.10.04 - 2017.10.04

Twenty-five years ago, on this very date,
El Al flight 1862 crashed into Earth
fifteen minutes after taking off
... and the Bijlmer burnt

The Bijlmerramp

a smoldering wound
leaving a deep scar
across the suburban
tissue of Amsterdam

an impact in history
of which the echoes
resound at the climax
of De Bijlmer Opera
by Jacques Bank

Today, I'd rather share this musical piece with you,
much rather than a repetition of documentaries,
news items and such, for it communicates more
than just the actual disaster.

I would and I do.

--with better audio, without video--

C'est toujours la vie qui a raison,
l'architecte qui a tort

in memory of all

.: pace et luce :.

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Time For Techno - '[ TFT9 ]'

下午安好 世界!
Добрый день, Мир!
Good Afternoon, World!

[ time for techno ]


The Black Dog
Sharp Shooting On Saturn
Temple Of Transparent Balls / 1993

theblackdogma.com / discogs details

( ♄ )

tuning in today
for sharp shooting on saturn
live across the earth

After two decades of interplanetary mission control,
the Cassini probe dives into Saturn's atmosphere
for its Grand Finale. Tune in to NASA TV for live coverage.

Per Aspera Ad Astra

.: up the tech :.

writ: satyr barbarossa
(cc) 2017 cc by-nc-nd 4.0

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