a paradise,
all borders fantasy
no one alone,
all of us family
think for yourself,
question authority
keen up and delve,
act with humanity
live and let live,
sharing in empathy
single vision,
plural reality
music: Atlantis - Paradise
(Apollo Records - 93)
inspiration: Dr. TFL
all text ⓦ Satyr Barbarossa
(cc) 2024, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Messenger of Dionysos · Mused by Apollo
Searching for a new way to spread the vibe of the forest, by Dionysian decree, Satyr switched to SL and CDJ instruments, which fit the job quite nicely. Apart from those, he employs the tools Apollo chose: a blank screen and virtual ink, to jot down all he likes to think - hence this his satellite here, orbiting Earth's blogosphere!
scroll down to read his story in full
Single Vision, Plural Reality
Happy Maybe Day!
happy maybe day!
excommunicate you lot
- we must shtick apart
Greetings Fellow Discordian Excommunicates, Erisian Ecstatics, H.E.A.D. Heads and other Marvellous Maybeings!
Party:cipating with Maybe Day '23 synced in perfectly with my cosmic agenda. However, this year, a plentiful of Summer buzzings impel me to keep it fnord short and sweet, with a quote and a clip .. well, "clip" ... the whole Maybe Logic documentary, rather:
And for those visitors, unfamiliar with Maybe Day: visit maybeday.net, rawilson.com, or click here to catch a glimpse of what today's festivities may or not have in store, and do not forget to click any other fnord link you may find on your path. RAW's incorrigibly optimistic quote, posted above, will become elaborated later on ..
... maybe.
From Maera and Me,
with Love and Lasagna,

.: spectacles genitals brandy blunts :.
all text ⓦ Satyr Barbarossa
(cc) 2024, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
all rights reserved - all lefts reversed
Welcome To Our House
Rhythm Controll
≡ featuring ≡
Chuck Roberts
My House
We may cry
we may grief
we may mourn
we shall not despair
We shall Jack our body
and Jack as we will
for as long
as we will Jack
so will Chuck
to the House
that Chuck built
to Our
in loving memory
of Chuck Roberts
Voice of House Music
Long Live Jack
Forever Love Chuck
Enter The Outer / Body

👆 ⚪ 👇
Enter The Outer Body
“Where does my body stop and where does yours begin?”
— Mary S. Applegate, Liquid Air (Air Liquide, 1992) 🔗
Concept ⇌ Sensation
According to Schopenhauer, our sense of separateness simply exists as a result of our will to objectify, an illusory effect of our perception of time, and space. It may take an ordeal, a shock, a sacrifice to cause a breakthrough of the metaphysical realisation, that self & other indeed exist as one. Our true reality lies in the ineffable connection within all of existence.
The oriental model, encompassing this sensation, is called yoga, which translates as union or unifying — a dynamic process, not a static state. Advanced practising of asana - postures, poses - and deep meditation, leads to a transcendental state of awareness, named samadhi - blissful, direct experience of oneness.
More than anything, Art can do this ..
… and of all forms of Art
Music does this more than anything else, especially when we dance. Imagine a large crowd, dancing at a festival — one of our most familiar forms of coll-active meditation: rhythmic movement to a common pulse, synchronizing all postures, creating a shared state of oneness, a direct experience of the outer body.
Through art, music, dancing, we can transmit and receive this sensation. By direct experience, it propels us beyond the illusive barrier of the skin, as we extend spontaneously into the medium that embraces us. We move out of our steady state, into ecstatic trance, euphoria, rapture. As such, we expand into the outer body, the physique of life at large.
Entering the outer body, we feel alive — quite possibly the sensation, which we continue to chase, and crave. Like a luminous shadow, it stalks us wherever we may go, waiting to tap us on both shoulders by surprise, engulfing us with goosebumps, lifting us from our ground of being, headfirst beyond our apparent borders, boundless into bliss.
writ: Satyr Barbarossa *
(cc) 2024 cc by-nc-nd 4.0
* Recently, I wrote this as my actual entry, responding to the open call to participate in the 2024 edition of FIBER Festival in Amsterdam - feeling grateful and happy to add: I made the selection!
A Scending Tea Garden
earth becomes heaven
scending to the occasion
flying green white blue
—'[~ A Scending Tea Garden ~]'—
@ Hemelvaart 35 Jaar 🔗
on Ascension Day 2024
15:00 - 01:00 @ Yurt Yoga
hidden in the Bamboo Forest
15:00 Soundbath Ceremony by Anya - in the yurt
16:00 Peotic Recital by Satyr Barbarossa - in the yard
16:15 deep tribal eclectronic psychedelic ambient techno
DJ sets by Tommy, Akira, San Shine - until 01:00
Matcha and other Japanese tea
all day ~ by Tea The Moment
at Rijkshemelvaart
~ scend to the occasion ~
☞ No Pin, Cash Only - & - Kids Yes, Dogs No ☜
☞ Free Entrance - Donations Always Welcome ☜
New Trajectories Webring
freakuently unanswered questions
? what is Satyr
! in ancient times, Satyr roamed the Eleusinian forests as the horned and horny messenger of Dionysos - the god of ritual intoxication - who dispatched him to mesmerize the youth of nearby villages with the musical magic of his flute, and made them dance till broad daylight.
? where is Satyr
! in our recent past, Satyr reincarnated in the concrete jungle of Amsterdam as a DJ. At age ten, he recorded his first mix, displaying his love for early hip hop and electro, and soon his tapes were in high demand. After the Second Summer Of Love, he got turned on by new dimensions of synthetic sound and ventured into the realms of ambient, acid-house, techno and trance music, never looking back ever since.
? does he still play flute
! the Panflute has become an artefact in captivity, held safe and sound in the archeological archive of the Vatican. Yet, since them high-n-mighty early 1990s, Satyr became increasingly skilled as a player of the SL & CDJ instruments, spinning various styles of musica eclectronica, embracing a wide range of the bpm spectrum with remarkable sparkle.
Notoriously difficult to pigeonhole yet sharply focused on and specialized in ambient, chillout, psytrance & deep atmospheric techno; entertaining events for 5 to 50.000 people, by serving his spicy melange of clean cuts and dirty grooves, mixing it down and grinding it up from raw to smooth.
A few memorable events ecstasized by Satyr:
Amsterdam Dance Event (NL), Atmosphere (Berlin), Ballonnenfeest (NL), Burning Man (USA), Club A (Sao Paulo), Dance Valley (NL), Love & Magic (Oslo), Metsafestiwaal (Finland), Pan-O-Rama Festival (La Gomera), The Pi Club (Berlin), Q-Base (Germany), Senseblender Festival (Belgium), Universo Paralello (Bahia / Brazil), VooV Experience (Germany), and many more in Belgium, Brazil, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Lithuania, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, USA & all over The Netherlands.*
unless mentioned otherwise:
all text ⓦ Satyr Barbarossa,
(cc) 2007 - 2024, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
all rights reserved,
all wrongs forgiven