Messenger of Dionysos · Mused by Apollo

In ancient times, Satyr was the horned and horny messenger of Eleusinian forest god Dionysos. He mesmerized the youth of nearby villages with the musical magic of his flute and made them dance till broad daylight. In our common present, the spirit of Satyr inhabits the body of a human boy.

Searching for a new way to spread the vibe of the forest, by Dionysian decree, Satyr switched to SL and CDJ instruments, which fit the job quite nicely. Apart from those, he employs the tools Apollo chose: a blank screen and virtual ink, to jot down all he likes to think - hence this his satellite here, orbiting Earth's blogosphere!

scroll down to read his story in full

All Abloom Till Night Today

2016.06.16 - All Abloom Till Night Today

'tween some One and Self,
an Eastern mage, befitting,
slinkily scended a staircase
from Heaven.

Spiralling down
the clouds of green,
touching ground, then looking up,
his feet behind his Mind,
it seemed.

best read when stoned,"
the three-eyed Thinker uttered,
then frowned and turned around,
as if back there a shadow muttered.

" 'llow Me:"
tempted the Thought,
"why read when one can listen?
Why stone one's Self to sit and stare,
when high one need none Eye to see?"

Lightning down the Sky,
aloof yet never blundered,
the Trickster's Silence, stunned,
then sparked the Air
and thundered:

"Conjure all you will, Mara,
but watch me while you spin:
Catch me by the Verb, you lose!
Catch me by the Tongue,
you win!"

As off a horse, behind a shield,
stout as perhaps an Arthur may:
"Win or lose, a game, you say?
Bring it, O'Fool, then let us play!"

Spontaneously, the Player now,
went strut across the Stage.

"A Fool
to cast the Glove,
another marks the Challenge,"
amidst his Wit, another smirk,
"Black or white, Knight Palance?"

"Ha! Herd me
not, you brazen Hick.
No cow, nor horse or saddle.
No Smith-forged barrel, no Western mud,
No, not today Death gains
no trod."

Spreading arms fr'underneath a virtual hoodless cowl,
suddenly the solemn Voice, the wise Minerva's Owl:
"Homo liber nulla de re minus quam de morte cogitat,
et ejus sapientia non mortis sed vitae meditatio est."

"Ach, weh ist mir! To shmoke, your Ethics!
And esthetics? Du, stuff my pipe with Shmear!"

All split, the Sky, again, the Book,
commenced to quote page twenty-three:
"Off the floor, bare both your feet,
and do thus dare this dance with me."

Lights! Darkness! Inneraction!

Unite, Opposed, as One.
And on, the Mirror shone.

No Thing happening
as Everything does.


Top of the World
and a Happy Bloomsday
to all You - yes, you and youse!

... Anything else for breakfast?

Download the unabridged Ulysses audiobook:


.: yes i might, yes quite :.

all text ⓦ Satyr Barbarossa
(cc) 2016 CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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freakuently unanswered questions

? what is Satyr

! in ancient times, Satyr roamed the Eleusinian forests as the horned and horny messenger of Dionysos - the god of ritual intoxication - who dispatched him to mesmerize the youth of nearby villages with the musical magic of his flute, and made them dance till broad daylight.

? where is Satyr

! in our recent past, Satyr reincarnated in the concrete jungle of Amsterdam as a DJ. At age ten, he recorded his first mix, displaying his love for early hip hop and electro, and soon his tapes were in high demand. After the Second Summer Of Love, he got turned on by new dimensions of synthetic sound and ventured into the realms of ambient, acid-house, techno and trance music, never looking back ever since.

? does he still play flute

! the Panflute has become an artefact in captivity, held safe and sound in the archeological archive of the Vatican. Yet, since them high-n-mighty early 1990s, Satyr became increasingly skilled as a player of the SL & CDJ instruments, spinning various styles of musica eclectronica, embracing a wide range of the bpm spectrum with remarkable sparkle.

Notoriously difficult to pigeonhole yet sharply focused on and specialized in ambient, chillout, psytrance & deep atmospheric techno; entertaining events for 5 to 50.000 people, by serving his spicy melange of clean cuts and dirty grooves, mixing it down and grinding it up from raw to smooth.

A few memorable events ecstasized by Satyr:
Amsterdam Dance Event (NL), Atmosphere (Berlin), Ballonnenfeest (NL), Burning Man (USA), Club A (Sao Paulo), Dance Valley (NL), Love & Magic (Oslo), Metsafestiwaal (Finland), Pan-O-Rama Festival (La Gomera), The Pi Club (Berlin), Q-Base (Germany), Senseblender Festival (Belgium), Universo Paralello (Bahia / Brazil), VooV Experience (Germany), and many more in Belgium, Brazil, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Lithuania, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, USA & all over The Netherlands.*

* a detailed gigographic list might appear later

unless mentioned otherwise:
all text ⓦ Satyr Barbarossa,
(cc) 2007 - 2024, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

all rights reserved,
all wrongs forgiven